Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Behold! Tons of Teasers from the upcoming series 6 of Doctor Who!

The Brilliant Book of Doctor Who 2011 is now out in the UK, and someone has managed to take two scans of some AWESOME teasers from Doctor Who's upcoming Series 6 that you can view below.

I talked about some of the teasers in a much longer post I did today for Blastr which I am of course inviting you to read.


Friday, September 24, 2010

Mark Ruffalo to actually PLAY the Hulk in The Avengers!

Good news one and all! Not only is actor Mark Ruffalo going to play Bruce Banner in the upcoming Avengers movie but he will also play his green counterpart in a motion-capture performance!

Where the Hulk was solely computer generated in his last two outings (we're talking Eric Bana's Hulk and Edward Norton's The Incredible Hulk – NOT The Incredible Hulk TV series with Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno) this time the green hero will be the result of the performance of his main protagonist in actor Mark Ruffalo.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Matt Smith talks about his upcoming appearance on The Sarah Jane Adventures

We still have a few months to go until we get a new proper Doctor Who episode with the upcoming yearly Christmas special, but we'll get to see the Doctor a bit sooner in Death of the Doctor, an upcoming episode from series 4 of The Sarah Jane Adventures, written by Russell T Davies himself.

Being Human Producer teases the return of Herrick for season 3

Herrick played by Jason Watkins

Talking to SFX Magazine, Being Human producer Phil Trethowan has revealed a few tidbits about the upcoming season three of the popular BBC series about a ghost, a vampire and two werewolves living together.

If you recall, Herrick (played by Jason Watkins) was killed at the end of season 1 by George (Russell Tovey) in his werewolf form, but the vampire was resurrected at the end of season 2 in a very shocking twist. Now Herrick will be back in season 3 of course but he won't specifically be the main villain in the series.

The Sarah Jane Adventures "The Nightmare Man" Promo Pics!

Hooray Doctor Who fans! The Sarah Jane Adventures is set air soon. How soon, you ask? Well the first episode titled The Nightmare Man (which is a two-parter as they always are) will air on the two consecutive nights of Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th October.

Everyone who is currently suffering from a painful case of Doctor Who withdrawal syndrome must be eagerly awaiting the return of Elisabeth Sladen's Sarah Jane Smith as well as that of Luke (Tommy Knight), Rani (Anjli Mohindra), and Clyde (Daniel Anthony). But in the meanwhile, you can take a look at these promo pics from said first episode.

Click on the pics below and enjoy!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

HIGH quality pics from the filming of Doctor Who series 6 episode 3

Yesterday I posted a few pics from the filming of What Are Little Boys Made Of? The third episode from the upcoming series 6 of Doctor Who.

Today, SFX  has posted some VERY high quality pics from the same filming. Though most are similar to what we saw yesterday, there are a lot of different ones and the quality is really, really good.

Just click on the pics below and enjoy!

Steven Moffat Teases Series 6 ''enormous, game-changing" cliffhanger

Everyone knows by now that upcoming the series 6 of Doctor Who will be split in two next year with the first part made of 7 episodes airing in the spring, and the second part of 6 episodes airing over the fall. And mostly everyone also knows that the split will be marked by a huge cliffhanger (I don't know about you but I really, really hate those).

In an article with Doctor Who Magazine, Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat revealed that:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Doctor Who Series 6 Episode 3 Filming Pics Galore!

There's a slew of filming pics from the upcoming third episode of Series 6 of Doctor Who online today. Titled  What Are Little Boys Made Of? the episode is written by Mark Gatiss who last wrote the series 5 episode Victory of the Daleks.

Steven Moffat Teases Doctor Who Christmas Special, Series 6 and River Song!

SFX has gotten their lucky little hands on the upcoming book Doctor Who The Brilliant Book 2011 coming up next month in the UK. They managed to dig into it and brought out a few not too spoilery revelations to light coming from Doctor Who sowrunner Steven Moffat.

Below is what SFX reports from the book.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Doctor Who: The Adventure Games to return in 2011!

Following the immense success of the first three Doctor Who: The Adventure Games (a fourth is upcoming) it was announced that there will be more of these "canonical episodes" coming up next year!

Here is the press release:

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Doctor Who Magazine #426 Cover Features the Old Cybermen!

The new Doctor Who Magazine issue 426 is out now in the UK and it features the old style cybermen.

Interestingly, it also says that there will be ''two new seasons'' of Doctor Who to be shown in 2011. Are they saying that series 6 is two seasons? Will the split actually make it series 6 (made of 7 episodes) and series 7 (made of the back 6 episodes)? Will it be explained?

Sadly, I wont be able to read this until about a month or two since we're behind with the publication in North America.

Monday, September 13, 2010

See Kermit the Frog as the Eleventh Doctor!

This is just too darn cute I had to put it up here. It's a drawing of Kermit the frog from Jim Henson's The Muppets as Doctor Who's Eleventh Doctor by Deviant-art artist *mimi-na. He's basically called Eleventh Frog.


Doctor Who Series 6 Casting News and Episode 4 Title Revealed!

There are a few casting news and tidbits about the upcoming series 6 of Doctor Who today.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sherlock's Martin Freeman may play Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit!

Yesterday, a story broke in The Sun that beloved British actor Martin Freeman -- hot off a successful run on BBC's Sherlock as Dr. Watson -- had been in the run to play the lead role in The Hobbit, that the actor had been offered a seven figure deal, and that he sadly had to turn it down because of his commitment to film the second series of Sherlock.

Happy 44th Birthday Star Trek!!!

On September 8 1966, a little show called Star Trek aired it's first episode titled The Man Trap. The series would air it's last episode three years later on June 3 1969.

The beloved sci-fi show created by the Great Bird, Gene Roddenberry, would later go on to spawn another four series and a total of eleven movies to this day.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Night of the Living Trekkies Contest!

The Inside Trekker will give away a copy of Night of the Living Trekkies and a poster early next week, courtesy of Quirk books. The only thing you have to do is simply send me an email at and write in your subject line: Night of the Living Trekkies Contest.

A winner will be randomly selected next monday at 2pm eastern time.

Please include your name and your adress.

Thanks and good luck!

Night of the Living Trekkies - Book review

Night of the Living Trekkies
Writers: Kevin David Anderson and Sam Stall
Publisher: Quirk Books

After the success of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, which led to more novels in the same vein (Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters for example), Quirk books decided to tackle the worlds of both Dawn of the Dead and of Star Trek -  most especially its fan base, generally known the world over as Trekkies - in its newest release called Night of the Living Trekkies. The result of this mash-up is a book that doesn’t take itself too seriously, but takes all matter of geekiness to a higher level and provides quite a few chuckles along the way.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Doctor Who series 6 starts filming!

It has been announced earlier today that series 6 of Doctor Who has begun filming. In fact, filming started at 8am in Cardiff, Wales.

The Sarah Jane Adventures series 4 promo pics & air date!

The BBC has released 2 promo pics from the upcoming series 4 of The Sarah Jane Adventures (OK, it's essentially the same pic but framed differently and with one extra alien, I know).

On the pic we have main characters Sarah Jane Smith (played by the ever lovely Elizabeth Sladen), Luke Smith (Tommy Knight), Rani Chandra (Anjli Mohindra) and Clyde Langer (Daniel Anthony).

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Sarah Jane Adventures Upcoming Series 4 Trailer!

This is a trailer for the upcoming series 4 of The Sarah Jane Adventures coming up later in the fall on CBBC (there's no air date yet) and we get our first, brief look of the Doctor, and he appears to have a new shirt!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Revealed: Mark Gatiss has penned a new Doctor Who episode for upcoming series 6

It was revealed that Sherlock co-creator (and Doctor Who writer and actor) Mark Gatiss has penned a new episode for the upcoming sixth series of the British Sci-Fi show.

Richard Clark, who will be directing 2 episodes, has written on his twitter acccount that he was:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Neil Gaiman talks about his Doctor Who episode table read

Left to right - Neil Gaiman, Matt Smith, Steven Moffat, director Richard Clark

Author, writer, and all around Sci-Fi God Neil Gaiman, just put up a post on his blog about the first table read of his upcoming Doctor Who episode. In it, Gaiman reveals that his episode is still set to be the third to air in the spring (So YAY! we wont have to wait in the fall to see it!).